In this 2nd Open Call a budget of €514,600 euro is available to fund 8-9 SMEs. It targets innovative SMEs and aims to enable the emergence of new cross-regional and cross-sectoral value chains through the Twin Transition and Industry 5.0.
Projects submitted in this call need to address one or more digital priorities such as the installation of sensors to monitor real time critical control parameters, integration and implementation of sensors in the existing infrastructure, and smart data management and analysis – in order to convert data into information and eventually into action and interoperability between food companies and in the food value chain. More background info on Open Calls in the framework of I3 projects such as HIGHFIVE can be found here.
Main call characteristics:
Call dates: Opens January 16th 2024 and closes March 28th 2024 17:00 CET
Innovation projects scope: contribute to activities that demonstrate an already developed and tested digital solution, product, process, service, or technology (TRL 6-9) in a real operational food processing environment.
Target group: Food processing SMEs, digital solution & technology providing SMEs from the regions covered by the HIGHFIVE consortium. Check the regions covered here.
Activities : Implementation of the tested digital solution, product, process, service, or technology in real environment.
Financial support : max. € 60.000 per SME, max. € 120.000 per project
Project duration: max. 12 months
Minden információ, beleértve a támogathatósági feltételeket és a tevékenységeket, megtalálható a „Terms and conditions” dokumentumban. Minden pályázatnak a HIGHFIVE pályázati sablonját kell használnia.
Need to know more? Contact us: Ákos Szépvölgyi -, +36203844472