
Capacity2Transform (C2T) is a capacity-building project that addresses the lack of skills of the CCIs and sustainable tourism SMEs (ST_SMEs) to act upon and become part of digital and green transition actions (DG) in Central Europe.
Faced with the challenge of twin DG transition, job insecurity caused by the COVID-19, and the talent scarcity in the targeted industry sectors and regions, the transnational cooperation (TNC) for delivering systematic support in strengthening the skills and the capacities seems like the only possible solution. Project targets all 9 countries of the CE Region, connecting BSOs, education and research organizations, innovation agencies, thematic clusters, and representatives of local and regional government into addressing the lack of opportunities of the CCIs and ST_SMEs to connect with DG transition actions, that is directly linked to the lack of technical and management skills of the target groups and lack of the access to the relevant business structures.
The main objective is to adopt a business supporting environment to act as a capacity-building flywheel for the targeted groups and link those sectors where digital and green actions are not yet including the CCIs and ST_SMEs neither in the development process nor in the delivery chain of the sustainable digital and green products/solutions to the market. Project results in a transnational capacity building program, long-term supporting networks, implementation and transferability framework, and deeper understanding of synergies that are achieved by extending the DG actions to be more inclusive of culturally based and creativity driven innovation.
Ultimately the project aims at upskilling of 1000+ representatives of the target group, inducing transnational cooperation of more than 200 SMEs from the CE region resulting in developing 90 Digital-green-creative action concepts, transferring the knowledge to other areas, and supporting the implementation of 9 Digial-Green-Creative transformative actions.
Project ID: CE0100048
Duration of the project: 03/2023 - 05/2027
Project partners:
- Primorska Technology Park (lead partner – Slovenia)
- Friuli Innovation limited liability consortium company (Italy)
- CTRIA - Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
- build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbH (Austria)
- IUAV University of Venice (Italy)
- Museum of Architecture and Design (Slovenia)
- University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism (Croatia)
- Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (Germany)
- IRI Centar d.o.o. (Croatia)
- BizGarden Ltd. (Czech Republic)
- Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia)