Young GREENtrepreneurs | Erasmus+

The Young GREENtrepreneurs project aims to promote green entrepreneurship among young people through innovative solutions in regions where the green economy is developing significantly but youth employment is below the expected level.
The project brings together representatives of organisations from 6 countries (Slovenia, Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia, Ireland, Spain, Hungary).
The young innovators and their supporting organisations will be supported by a transnational online cooperation platform and two training modules (green product and business development).
We will keep you informed about the results and progress of the project.
Projektazonosító: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-YOU-000029114
A projekt futamideje: 2021. november 1. – 2024. április 30.
Project partners:
CTRIA - Central-transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
Razvojni Center SRCA Slovenije Doo (Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia) (Slovenia)
Vyara Foundation (Bulgaria)
Zadruga KIKštarter Center (Slovenia)
SOU Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu Prilep (Nprth-Macedonia)
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (Ireland)
Formacion Para El Desarrollo e Insercion, Sociedad Limitada (Defoin) (Spain)