International projects
We represented Hungary in 8 ongoing and 5 closed international projects in the past period. Find out what we do in international partnerships!
Closed international projects

2Lifes | Interreg Europe
Az Interreg Europe program keretében, ciprusi, dán, spanyol, litván, olasz, belga és magyar partnerszervezetek részvételével megvalósuló projekt, amely az újrahasználat (resuse) népszerűsítését, valamint az ezt ösztönző szakpolitikák megszületésének támogatását tűzte ki célul.

eDigiStars | Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
The project will involve Hungarian, Czech, Slovenian, Austrian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Bosnian, Serbian and Bulgarian innovation and development, employment and labour market agencies within the framework of the Danube Transnational Cooperation Programme. The project aims to develop digital skills for the over 50 age group in order to help their reintegration into the labour market and to respond to the market demand for digital/IT skills in the countries of the Danube region.

EW4RD - Empowered Women for Rural Development | Erasmus+
Ügynökségünk koordinátorként vesz rész részt az „Empowered Women for Rural Development” című Erasmus+ projektben. Az olasz, spanyol, litván, török és bolgár partnerekkel megvalósuló projekt célja a vidéki térségekben élő nők és vállalkozói tevékenységük ösztönzése.

HoCare 2.0 | Interreg Central Europe
A project in the framework of the Interreg Central Europe programme, involving 7 European countries and 11 partner organisations, aiming to create the conditions for the implementation of innovations in the field of care at home for the elderly, i.e. the creation of regional capacities and ecosystems in the Central European region.

InnoSchool | Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
The project involves experts from 9 European countries in the Danube region. The project will develop a new approach to learning, partly through a game software, to help secondary school students learn economic and entrepreneurial skills.

CRE:HUB | Interreg Europe
The project, coordinated by Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, Latvian, Spanish, Slovenian, Portuguese and Romanian participants, aims to develop support tools for the development of cultural and creative industries, based on the exchange of experiences.

Rur@l SME's | Interreg Europe
The partnership of Spanish, Irish, Slovenian, Greek, Romanian, Portuguese, Hungarian and Greek nationalities, supported by the Interreg Europe programme, is seeking solutions to the issues faced by businesses in rural areas.

AgriGo4Cities | Danube Transnational Programme
The project is implemented in the framework of the Interreg Danube programme in cooperation with organisations from 8 countries between 01.01.2017 and 30.06.2019. The project explored the potential of urban agriculture for the application of community planning methods, social inclusion and the creation of a sustainable urban environment.

RI2integrate | Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
The RI2integrate project was launched on 01.01.2017 and ran until 30.06.2019, with the participation of organisations from eight countries. The overall objective was to facilitate the more effective application of scientific results in the economy; strengthening the links between research infrastructures, SMEs, the public sector and community members.

PPI2Innovate | Interreg Central Europe
The aim of the project was to increase the opportunities for Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) in Central Europe. The project partners were innovation and development agencies, innovation intermediary organisations and municipalities and ministries at regional level in Hungary, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland and Croatia.

ACCELERATOR | Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
The main objective of the project, which will run from January 2017 to June 2019, is to help innovative SMEs, especially those in the early stages of development, which have difficulties in accessing the market due to a lack of capital.

DRIM | Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
An international project called DRIM, launched on 1 January 2017 in the framework of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme, sought to address the problems related to the economic integration of legal foreign workers in Hungary.