Foster Awareness on the relevance of Checking the Truth – F.A.C.T.

The FACT project aims to clarify and dispel fake news in the public consciousness. Young people, as opinion leaders, will be a great help in this, and we want to involve them in our mission in a playful way. Through students, we want to bring real information to the older generation, as they have fewer opportunities to obtain it.
In addition to teachers receiving fresh education and materials on this topic, they will also have the opportunity to supplement the subjects they teach.
We want to reach young people through two game-based materials and we will need the help of teachers and educators. In one program, students will be able to put themselves in the shoes of politicians from the European Parliament, which will be particularly interesting given the relevance of the 2024 parliamentary elections. In addition, through a community-forming program, young people will have the opportunity to build their own project from start to finish, which will take the form of a board game.
Disinformation is a constantly evolving phenomenon that has a high potential to negatively influence democratic processes and social debates. It can affect, for example, the democratic debate and the expression of the vote, given on the basis of certain fake news that change and modify the orientation of the people and make the voter express a preference with a will vitiated by false news. The proposal will directly benefit Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Finland, Poland, Italy, as EU countries where people are less confident in their ability to recognize fake news and in the EU political system as a whole (Flash Eurobarometer 464 – Fake-news and disinformation) and less confident to the EU political system (Eurobarometro 91.5 – 2019). It is also important to underline that age is a crucial element in identifying people who are more likely to be persuaded by fake news and less likely to vote: older respondents, in fact, are less confident in their ability to identify fake news (63% of those aged 55 or older are confident, compared to 78% of other age groups). Thus, the project has the aim of gathering a diverse range of people from different backgrounds (age, gender, level of education) in activities directly linked to EU policies against disinformation (Specific Objective), enabling young participants to deepen their knowledge of the EU institutions and policies for making them able to contribute in first person in reaching those citizens not active in civic participation in their everyday life thus reducing the influence of the disinformation on the EU democratic life basing on debunking of fake-news.
Project ID: 101081330 – FACT
Duration of the project: 2022.11.01. – 2024.04.30.
Project partners:
Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti
Instituto Marques De Valle Flor
Jovenes Hacia La Solidaridad Y El Desarrollo
KDRIÜ Nonprofit Kft.
Asociatia Centrul European Pentru Integrare Socioprofesionala Acta
Fundacja Autokreacja
MB Efekto Grupe
Opintotoiminnan Keskusliitto ry