
The vision of the Food_scalEUp project is to foster the capacity of European regional agri-food digital innovation ecosystems, especially in “emerging” and “moderate” innovator regions, to be more

  • connected among their regional stakeholders but also with other European regional ecosystems; thus, advancing towards a European acceleration ecosystem;
  • effective, fostering the successful scaling-up of technology start-ups and SMEs;
  • impactful, in terms of fostering the digital and green transition of the food industry;
  • resilient; thus, still effective under crisis and highly changing conditions; and
  • internationally recognised by and attractive for companies from other countries.

This long-term project vision will be pursued through the following project mission:

  • develop higher quality business acceleration services in agri-food digital innovation ecosystems of emerging and moderate innovator regions;
  • expand the connections, knowledge exchange, collaboration at regional, European and international level, between key people representing the different actors of the agri-food digital innovation ecosystems involved in the project;

We will keep you informed about the results and progress of the project.

Project ID: 101072248 — Food-scalEUp – HORIZON-EIE-2021-SCALEUP-01

Project duration: 2022. szeptember 1. – 2024. augusztus 31.

Project partners:

  • Asociacion Cluster Alimentario de Galicia (CLUSAGA) (Spanyolország)
  • Agrifood Capital BV (Hollandia)
  • Centro Europeo Empresas e Innovacion S.L. (CEIN) (Spanyolország)
  • Közép-dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft. (CTRIA) (Magyarország)
  • Food-Processing Initiative E.V (FPI) (Németország)
  • Stichting Food Valley (Foodvalley NL) (Hollandia)
  • Pole European Innovation Alimentation Bien-Etre Naturalité (Innov’Alliance) (Franciaország)
  • Association du Pole de Competivite Valorial (VALORIAL) (Franciaország)
  • Technopole Quimper Cornouaille (TQC) (Franciaország)
  • Normandie Incubation (Franciaország)
