WIN | Interreg Danube Transnational Programme

The overall objective of the WIN project is to improve the situation of women workers in peripheral industrial regions, contributing to a more accessible, inclusive and efficient labour market for women. In doing so, the project aims to open up new employment opportunities for all women and to remove cultural and institutional barriers that prevent women from realising their professional potential.
The main pillars of the project are:
- Survey of women's needs and institutional barriers in the labour markets of peripheral industrial regions.
- Implementation of social innovation for better labour markets for women in peripheral industrial regions.
- Capacity building for women's labour market participation in peripheral industrial regions.
Project ID: DRP0200067
Duration of the project: 01.01.2024 – 30.06.2026
Supported by: Danube Transnational Programme
Project partners:
- Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia)
- University of Graz (Austria)
- VESTE – Registered association Styrian Iron Road (Austria)
- LAG Sokolovsko (Czech Republic)
- CTRIA - Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
- Ministry of Economy Affairs of Hercegbosnian Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Employment Office of Herceg-Bosnian Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Association of Business Women in Serbia (Serbia)
- National Management School of Bulgaria (Bulgaria)