The PROMOTER Interreg Europe project conducts an international exchange of experience in order to promote the greening of transport in the affected settlements and regions. This serves as well the spread of green intermodality, in close relation with the locally produced energy and the local energy consumption of that.
In accordence with the above, STRIA Nonprofit Ltd. convened the 2nd online stakeholder meeting of the project on 27 February 2024. The following good practices were presented at the event:
In accordence with the above, STRIA Nonprofit Ltd. convened the 2nd online stakeholder meeting of the project on 27 February 2024. The following good practices were presented at the event:
- From Hungary:
- Establishment and operation of an energy community in Erzsébetváros,
- Promoting the spread of electromobility and sustainable transport solutions in the Central Danube Priority Area,
- Provision of local public transport entirely with electric buses – firstly in Hungary at Paks,
- PÉCSIKE – the public e-bike;
- From Finland:
- Keulink & – Ecosystem for converted e-trucks,
- Kangas area – Smart urban design,
- Regional transport planning,
- Biogas ecosystem,
- Public transport in Jyväskylä,
- Promotion of cycling in regional planning,
- Public use of city cars in Jyväskylä,
- Regional Spatial Planning Plan and wind energy;
- From Portugal:
- SMILE (Sintra Motion and Innovation for Low Emission) project,
- project I4efficiency,
- Green Blue axis.

After the stakeholder meeting, the study tour period of PROMOTER project also begins. The first will take place in March 2024 in Portugal, while the second will take place in April 2024 in Finland.

The PROMOTER project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Hungary within the Interreg Europe Programme.